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Monday, December 10, 2012

The Liebster Award Nomination

The Liebster Award

 I have been nominated for the Liebster Award!  This award is for new bloggers with less than 200 followers and helps to find other new blogs with less than 200 followers!  I am having fun and learning a lot on my hunt for other new bloggers.  Thank you to The Dog Days of Third Grade for this nomination.

Here are the rules:

1. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
2. Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.
3. Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4. Choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them in your post.
5. You cannot "tag back" the other blog, but leave a comment on this post with URL of your Liebster post so I can learn more about you and see who you nominate.

Eleven random things about me:
1. Baking goodies for my family makes me happy.

2. I love being surrounded by books, but never seem to have time to read them.
3. I am at peace when I cuddle my two dogs, Bella and Zoie.
4. I want to retire to the woods of Maine as soon as possible.
5. Pinterest is my latest obsession.
6. I am a big country music fan.
7.I need a personal assistant and a professional organizer.
8. I am interested in hearing from other educators who have adopted or provided legal guardianship for children.   (My youngest child, now 17, was a former student of mine.)
9. I have been married for 24 years.
10. Christmas is my favorite time of year.
11. I am blessed to work with the best bunch of people on the planet. 

The Answers to the Questions I was Asked

1. How long have you been teaching?   14 years
2. What is your favorite children's book?  Oh so many... I am a huge fan of Patricia Polacco.  I enjoy reading The Witches, by Roald Dahl aloud to my students every October.  It is fun to hear them whispering to one another, as they look for witchy signs in their teacher. 
3. What is the mascot of your alma mater?  the Anchorman
4. What is something that you wish you could do better? mind-reading :)
5.  How do you like to exercise? walks with my hubby out in nature
6. What is your favorite song? "Gunpowder and Lead" by Miranda Lambert (Makes me seem like a bad-..., but not really.)
7. How long have you been blogging? one month
8. What is on your Christmas list this year? the Edie bag by  Vera Bradley
9. Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Facebook is the only one I have experienced, but I am not a fan.
10. What item do you wish you had for your classroom? a clone :)
11. What is your guilty pleasure food or meal? I am a huge chocoholic and a carnivore.  Filet with garlic mashed potatoes is my big indulgence. 

My Eleven Questions for Nominees: 

1. Do you use blogging in your classroom?
2. How long have you been teaching?
3. What was your first job?
4. How would you like people to remember you?
5. Who was your favorite teacher and what qualities did he or she possess?
6. Share a favorite quote.
7. How do you manage stress?
8. What is your favorite game?
9. Mistletoe or Menorah?
10. Share one tip with new teachers.  
11. Why did you choose teaching for your career? 

My Nominees:












Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Getting Started

Today, I spent some time reading the kind-hearted comments of my new followers.  I am up to four!<3 I think that's pretty special, since I haven't really even gotten my feet wet yet. :)  I will respond to each of you soon!  Thank you very much for your support.

I started this blog because I have been so inspired by teachers around the country who share what they do every day to enrich the lives of their students as well as their global colleagues.  I really wanted to be a part of this special group.  To get myself going, I began looking for ways to make my work stand out and be worthy of that of my newly found community.  I began educating myself about the use of clip-art and other images.  I  quickly found that it can be expensive to subscribe to different sites, and that I may not really find what I am looking to incorporate into my work.  Then, I stumbled upon a wonderful site, http://www.mycutegraphics.com created by Laura Strickland.  She has generously granted us permission to use her graphics in our work.  I feel a bit silly, because I am probably sharing something you all know already, but if not, click on over.  Her graphics are terrific, and her support of teachers is amazing.  Thank you, Laura.

I hope to have some items to share soon.  No doubt, they will include Laura's graphics.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Like so many of you, Common Core State Standards will be fully implemented in my state beginning with the 2013-2014 school year. In preparation for that, my district has created a report card based on CCSS. We have also been making gradual curricula changes for the last two school years.

 As an elementary school teacher, that adds up to a lot of changes! I know I am not alone when I express my concern for how to make this all happen for my students. This blog is intended to be my outlet for expressing and sharing my journey as I strive to be the best educator I can be for my students.

 I have also recently fallen in love with Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers. If you are unfamiliar with these sites, drop what you are doing and check them out now. I have gained a wealth of great ideas and resources, many at no cost,  for my classroom this year. There are so many talented and giving educators out there.  Thank you to all who contribute.  One other amazing resource I have found is an online lesson plan book at Planbook.com.  It is extremely user-friendly and comes complete with a CCSS drop down menu board for all of your planning needs. It is a super easy way to keep track of all those standards we need to incorporate into our lessons.  You can try it for free!  I highly recommend it.

Thanks for stopping in.